The National Environmental Complaints Committee (NECC) is established under section 31 to 36 of the Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act, 1999 (No. 5 of 2015) with the ma...
International Day of Forests (IDF) is a global event celebrated annually on 21st March. Its purpose is to raise awareness on the importance of all types of trees and woodlands as r...
World Metrological Day 2019 was held at Esibila primary school in Vihiga County. The event was graced by Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Speaking at the eve...
NECC undertook field investigation of complaints received in the following counties: Machakos county, Makueni County, Kajiado County and Kitui County as from 11th to 14th February ...
NECC had a consultative meeting on 16th of February 2019 at Gelian Hotel to discuss the possible ways of collaboration between NECC and the County Environment Committtees of Machak...